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Build a Career in Stride

We’re proud of the work culture we’ve created and having hired 5 members of staff (all of whom are still with us) in just 2 years, we know that to attract & retain the type of person we’re looking for, we need to not only offer industry leading support & mentorship, but to exceed these expectations.

What can you expect?

We Deliver

​​- Weekly one-to-one mentorship with our lead podiatrist & MSK expert
​​- 1 hour of paid CPD in your chosen field every week
​​- Full training on all advanced procedures including Local Anesthesia
​​- €1,000 bursary per year to spend on external CPD
​​- Up to 10% yearly retention bonus ​​

We understand that for many podiatrists, particularly those just finishing university, the thought of entering a junior role where they are constantly dealing with routine chiropody treatments and just earning enough to pay their exorbitant rent is terrifying. We know this because we’ve been there, not that long ago. Stride offers a unique opportunity to break free from this mould by taking an opportunity to explore all aspects of podiatry, living in arguably the most beautiful place in Ireland whilst making enough to not just pay your landlords wages, but actually invest in your future.

Happy Team

They say a picture paints a thousand words... Well, we'd like to think the attached picture tells you all you need to know about our team & work culture

Years Combined Experience

With years of dedicated practice, our podiatrists are well equipped to provide tailored support & training

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